I Am The Sun and He can Go Suck It

I Am The Sun and He can Go Suck It
Get Your Grey's Fix


Grey's Anatomy Addicts in in no way affiliated with ABC TV, Shonda Rhimes or Grey's Anatomy. It is a personal blog containing news and gossip, my personal opinions and that of the fans. All photos have the correct attribution added.

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My full name is Janelle Coulton, however most people call me Jel. This blog is about my all time favourite TV Show – Grey’s Anatomy. I have created it for fun and a little escape. Grey’s Anatomy is the only TV show I really enjoy; it is my escape from the real world. This is a blog just for fun and reminiscing about past seasons, story arcs, the characters and episodes of Grey’s. I am a writer for Suite101, and you are sure to find some interesting Grey's Anatomy articles there as well as articles on many other topics.

I am professional freelance writer of articles, essays, short stories and biographies. I write about social issues, relationships, psychology, fiction and current events. My family, writing and music are my ultimate passions in life.

I am fastidious about research and creativity and producing what my clients ask for. I am experienced in writing feature articles for websites and blogs and I have been published in E-zines and on various websites. I also write promotional articles and short E-books. If you would like to read more of my work please visit my profile @Suite101.

Or you can email me at janelle.coulton@live.com.au

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